Monday, April 4, 2011

The Feast

Alright America, I cracked open an epiphany today while talking to my super-friend R.  She did the opposite of me this past year, jumping headlong into every relationship that presented itself.  And getting her heart repeatedly broken.  She insists "this sucks."  Okay, maybe.  I'm always the one to break off relationships, and I'm not one to wallow in sadness--but I am deathly, deathly afraid of being on the receiving end of a breakup.  I don't know how I'll handle it, really.  I am going to consider this year a "practice year" of sorts.  I will relationship-up as much as possible instead of thinking so much (like, oh, man, he's 23; gosh, he'll be in grad school in Atlanta in six months; wait a minute, she's a girl) and see how my little heart fares.  If I'm as logical as I think, I'll come out of it OK.  If not, I've got a therapist.  Scary proposition, America.  The Fast was the easy part.  The Feast will be challenging.

Wish me luck.  I'm going in!

I'm thinking of getting a book my sister S suggested, speaking of modesty and regaining virtue, etc, etc.  I'm not sure it's for me, but it might be a fun read.  Have a look.

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