Sunday, April 18, 2010

And the improvements begin

I am all set to take a singles class with a licensed MFT. It's about getting to know ourselves a bit more, understanding our choices when it comes to our mates, and hopefully understanding what would ultimately make us happy. I suppose I see this as a real cementing point in my quest...not just being avoidant, but being proactive and present in my search for emotional balance and happiness.

I am supposed to be one of the youngest people in this class, which is funny to me. To think, most people are engaged or married by 30. I still see myself as somewhat like a kid. I'm growing and changing everyday. If you pick your partner so early in life, what's to say you won't grow and change in two different directions? Are the challenges that develop worth the fight? Do you just take your chances and hope you remain together? Maybe this class will help me ease my apprehensions, or at least get some answers to my major challenges to young marriage (or even, marriage in general).

In the mean time, America, my fast continues...

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