Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow days

Well, well.  It turns out there's some sort of gigantic storm dumping snow on the east and even making it cold down in Texas.  Hm.  I miss snow, but not that much.

Puxatawney Phil didn't see his shadow, as the east dug out of deep snow, so there's an early spring coming.  Here in California we already knew.  Those crazy yellow tree/shrub things are blooming already.  I don't know what these trees are, but the leaves look a bit like time ferns, and they produce so much pollen that a ridiculous amount of people are allergic.

It's been such a sunny winter!  Usually the cloudiness really gets me down and I get kinda sad.  La Nina, thanks little lady.  The lack of malaise has gotten me better focused on the task at hand, getting myself right before this fast is over in a couple months.  I'm continuing with some personal therapy, trying to address my internal isolationism (as manifested by a fast, of course!) and I'm wading into a little dating.  Nothing serious, just a cup of tea here and there, sitting on a hill or in the cemetery, taking in a view.  I've got no agenda and I'm not pushing things one way or another.  It's very...peaceful.  The new phase of my life will be a serene one.

It's late, so I'm going to try to catch some sleep.  I've been a little sleepless lately, just too much to think about.  Work is mighty busy now, lots of events to coordinate.  Hopefully everything works out.

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